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Shattered Pieces

Gazing into the mirror a distorted figure reflects back

Fragments of a being astonished by the distance that fatal thoughts have formed.

Memories that propel, energize, and bring one to laughter are now left like daggers. Shattered pieces of broken glass pierce through my soul it grips and entangles with each breath.

Sorrow and pain have taken residence where self-confidence once lived.  A reflection that no longer reveals reality but poor images in my head that reveals lies.

Shattered pieces of broken glass pierce through my soul it grips and entangles with each breath.

There in the dust shattered beyond repair reduced to nothing but this weightless powder. Shattered pieces of broken glass pierce through my soul it grips and entangles with each breath.

I gasp and cry out to the creator who loves to use this exact ingredient He calls dust.

The author of my story creating strength, patience, perseverance, resilience, and wisdom in this unfair breaking, words spoke to ease the restless mind, and silence insecurities, a love so deep that fills the void and makes one brave.

©Tanya Merced 2019

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